Are you feeling the call to break out of spaces that are too small for you?

The Break Up Diaries

A weekly email series that shares the secrets of how over thinkers and people pleasers can break up with what’s not working without wondering if they deserve what they want or if they’re making the “right” choice.

What is Cycle Coaching?

Cycle coaching is about reconnecting you with your body and with parts of yourself that you might have neglected. Through the simple daily practice of tuning in, you can reconnect with the part of your inner landscape that holds the bigger wants, the discarded dreams, and the whispers of truth that have long been ignored.

People raised as female are so often taught to ignore their feelings, intuition, desires, and bodily needs. We’re taught to fit in, be like every one else, and hide the parts of ourselves that might set us apart. Often we’ve shamed and hidden so many parts of ourselves that we stop even acknowledging that we have needs and wants.

Understanding your body and your cycle(s) can be a pivotal first step to rebuilding awareness of your needs, wants, and desires.

From there you can grow self trust, and form the level of self-acceptance needed to bring back all of those lost parts. But first, you must intentionally cultivate a practice of tuning in and paying attention to your body and your inner landscape.

At the core of my work is helping people navigate change.

I think working with your cycle is a beautiful first step to learning how to do that. The thing I’ve always loved about having a cycle is that it means I know what it’s like to live in a body that creates and destroys every single month. And when we can get comfortable with that, the whole process of that, I really believe it helps us to navigate endings and beginnings in other areas of life.

How to work with me:

  • One-to-One coaching

    You know there’s a big change on the way. You can’t ignore the call any longer. But you don’t want to go it alone. That’s what this six-month one-to-one space is for.

    With the unconditional support of a coaching container we’ll teach your brain that it’s safe to be imperfect, it’s safe to be scared, it’s safe to be unsure, and above all it’s safe to keep moving forward even with all of that present.

  • Voxer Days

    Basically like having a voice note back and forth with your most thoughtful friend who’s great at listening but isn’t afraid of getting into real talk with you.

    The best thing about Voxer days is that we can go deeper into the conversations. You’ve got time to sit with everything that comes up. To ponder your response and get really clear so that you get further down the path.

  • Tarot Readings

    When you want a little extra guidance from the cards (and me). This is a 3-card reading, with a ten minute voice note delivered via email (and AI generated transcript if requested)

    You’ll also have 48 hours of Voxer access to ask questions and get clarification on anything that came up in your reading